'How to Spot a Virus' - Free lecture tomorrow night in Boston

This post initially appeared on Science Blogs

For anyone in the Boston Area, two of my colleagues and I will be giving a talk on how the immune system recognizes and responds to pathogens, and how understanding this will allow scientists to design better vaccines and more effectively treat illness.

How to Spot a Virus: The origins of an immune response.

This lecture series is aimed at a general audience and it starts at 7pm tomorrow (Wednesday) night at Armenise Amphitheater at the Harvard Medical School. Come watch! (and stop by to say "hi" afterwards).

Full schedule:

SITN archives.

Last year's lecture series on Vimeo.

Post Images

  • Image at http://scienceblogs.com/webeasties/Screen%20Shot%202011-09-20%20at%2011.10.38%20AM.png